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Avoid common B2B pricing strategy mistakes

Reflecting over the months past and moving onto a new year, you are sure to take stock over the how your business has performed and what you need to change.

An important part of this reflection process is going back to basics and asking yourself one question: how often did you think about your pricing in 2022? Evaluating your prices allows you to not only learn more about your clients, but also allows you to establish a baseline to aim for going forward.

You need to evaluate your margins and the demand. What products or services out performed and which ones under performed? Pricing is a huge lever for your business, and even small improvements will pay off quickly. Because to change the your prices will have an immediate effect on your revenue – and we have found that in a few weeks time you have earned a positive ROI. The benefit of us as your pricing consultant is that we would measure your customers willingness to pay, in real time. 

B2B Pricing Strategies

There are some common pricing strategies such as value based pricing, cost-plus pricing, and competitor based pricing. Value-based ricing involves assessing how your clients or possible clients regard the value of your product, and this is brought to basis by ‘feelings values’. Competitor pricing is based on looking at your competition’s prices. This means, that you’re always going to try and stay sharp, and keep on top of industry prices and other key analytics for your business. Finally, value based pricing is that the perceived value of the services or the products offered by the company can be used to guide customer pricing.

Now, the latter value based pricing can be perceived as the sweet spot. Because in this strategy you are putting your customer in center – which means you are focusing on their willingness to pay for a given service or product with a set of defined attributes. 

B2B pricing strategy mistakes

It’s easy to miss the beat on pricing. For many, this area is seemingly uncharted and unexplored. Often we focus on the wrong things such as cutting costs and increasing margins. These are some of the most common B2B pricing strategy mistakes.

It is important to have a well-thought-out pricing strategy in place when selling to business customers (B2B). Failing to do so can lead to missed sales opportunities and decreased revenue. Unfortunately, many companies make common mistakes when it comes to B2B pricing strategies, leading them to undervalue their services and products or overcharge their customers. To help ensure that you are getting the most out of your pricing strategies and avoiding common mistakes, here are some tips on how to avoid common B2B pricing strategy mistakes.

1. Don’t Underestimate the Value of Your Products and Services

One of the most common mistakes made in B2B pricing strategies is underestimating the value of the products and services being sold. This can lead to underpricing, which can result in lost profits. To avoid this mistake, it is important to research your competitors’ prices and the overall market to determine the value of your products and services. This will help you set a competitive price that is fair to both you and your customers.

2. Don’t Forget to Consider Your Customer’s Value

Many companies make the mistake of focusing solely on their own costs when setting prices. However, it is important to also consider the value that the customer will receive from your products and services. This will help you to set prices that reflect the true value that your customers are receiving.

3. Don’t Base Prices Solely on Cost

Another common mistake made in B2B pricing strategies is basing prices solely on cost. While costs are important to consider, basing prices solely on cost can lead to underpricing, resulting in lost profits. Additionally, basing prices solely on cost can also lead to overcharging, leading to customer dissatisfaction. To avoid this mistake, it is important to consider the value that your customers are receiving and the competitive market prices when setting your prices.

4. Don’t Ignore Market Trends

Another common mistake made in B2B pricing strategies is basing prices solely on cost. While costs are important to consider, basing prices solely on cost can lead to underpricing, resulting in lost profits. Additionally, basing prices solely on cost can also lead to overcharging, leading to customer dissatisfaction. To avoid this mistake, it is important to consider the value that your customers are receiving and the competitive market prices when setting your prices.

5. Don’t Neglect Pricing Strategies

Pricing strategies are an important part of any B2B pricing strategy. Without an effective pricing strategy, it can be difficult to maximize profits. To ensure that you are getting the most out of your pricing strategies, it is important to consider the different types of pricing strategies available, such as volume discounts, dynamic pricing, and segmentation.

6. Don’t Overlook Your Competitors

It is important to keep an eye on your competitors when setting prices. This will help you to stay competitive and ensure that you are not overcharging or undercharging for your products and services. Additionally, it is important to be aware of any changes that your competitors are making to their pricing strategies.

By following these tips, you can avoid the common mistakes that many companies make when setting B2B pricing strategies. By doing so, you will be able to maximize your profits and ensure that your customers are getting the most value for their money.

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Atenga Insights is a fast-growing, global company that is challenging the pricing consulting industry. Using our unique proprietary PDA™ technology, we identify the price and positioning that will generate higher sales and profits for our clients.